The Ft. Loramie High School Student Council members, along with the Administration and the Fort Loramie Education Foundation, are creating a Memorial Garden to honor the memory of all of our students who passed away before they graduated and furthered their education or employment. This special project will be created on school grounds, providing a peaceful and reflective space for remembrance.
At this time, there are fourteen students who will be included, who are listed below next to their graduation year.
2030 Adam Schulze
2024 Damian Bruns
2017 Sierra Albers
2000 Daniel Brussel
1994 Abe Laux
1994 Stacy Meyer
1986 Mark Stambaugh
1983 Tony Partin
1979 Dave Barhorst
1977 Jim Brandewie
1966 Ken Sanders
1964 Judy Goettemoeller
1961 Danny Barhorst
1961 Mary Jean Utz
1960 Ted Griner
1959 Thelma Poeppelman
1955 Carl Sanders
If you know of another student who was in grades k-12 at Ft Loramie and passed away either before graduating from Ft Loramie or before August 1 of the year that they graduated, please email Laura Schmitmeyer at [email protected]