I am excited to welcome you to the start of the 2024-25 school year. I am looking forward to the continued growth and development of our students. I cannot wait to see what they accomplish. Our first day of school will be Thursday, August 15th.
This installment of the Redskin review incudes a lot of information to assist you in a smooth start to the new school year. You will want to keep this information for reference throughout the year.
The district Open House is scheduled for Tuesday, August 13 between 6:30-8:00pm. This is a great opportunity to meet our school staff and tour our wonderful facilities. Our bus drivers will also be present at the elementary for you and your child to meet. Please take a moment to review the pick-up and drop-off times for your bus route. These will be posted in both buildings for your convenience. Shelley Middendorf will be our new Transportation Coordinator as well. She will be replacing Deb Westerheide, who is retiring at the end of July. Parents will be able to pay school fees at Open House as well.
The plumbing project at the high school is progressing well, and the refinishing of our gym floors is complete. The maintenance staff has been working diligently to have our facilities ready for the first day of school. The teaching staff has also been busy preparing their rooms for the arrival of their students. I thank them for their efforts in preparing for the start of a new year.
We could not accomplish the district and student accolades without community support. Your generosity and commitment to your school district is appreciated.
In Education,
Daniel B. Holland
Daniel B. Holland, PhD